1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)
Pony of Whisky. Fill a pony glass of whisky, then place over it a whisky glass upside down;while holding both together, turn the whisky glass on its bottom containing the pony upside down; water on the side. ANOTHER METHOD.-Place your pony glass upon the edge of the counter and fill it; then cover it with a whisky glass turned upside down;_then, with your fore and index fingers placed upon the top and thumb underneath, turn the g.lasses over and serve. Should you wish to have it cold, while holding as I have said , with the scoop throw in some ice, filling up the glass all around the pony, which contains the liquor ; and after a brief space, or when your customer is ready to drink, hold it again in the same position ; then reve rse it and the ice will fall out, leaving, of course , the liquor undisturbed. Pousse Cafe. In a Pousse Cafe glass put in one-fourth anise tte, one -fourth curacoa, one-fourth yellow chartreuse a nd one-fourth brandy. Modern. No. 2. One-fourth maraschino , one-fourth pep– permint cordial, one-fourth abricotine and one-fourth brandy. The contrast of these colors is beautiful. These Pousse Cafes are all pre pared as explained in Pousse Cafe No . 3.
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