1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)


Whisky Crusta . In a mixing g lass, some syrup as you would use in a cocktail, a flavor of maraschino, one jigger of whisky ; fill two-thirds with bar ice ; stir with a spoon. Then take a cooled sour glass, rub a piece of lemon on its edg e and dip it lightl y in the powdered sugar, thus ·it will be. fros ted. Then put ,in the g lass the p eel of a half a lemon prepared as in a " Ramson Cool er. " Strain and add fruits. All other Crustas a re made the same way with the exception of the ir respective liquors which they call for. White Lyon. In a cobbler g lass, syru p and lemon juice as in a p unch ; about half a pony of curacoa, one jigger of St. C ro ix rum, fi ll with ice , st ravvs and fruits. Whi sky Fix. T o make like a n unstrained whisky punch. Whisky Sour. Cool th e sour g lass: with water on the side. In a mix ing g lass one-qua rt e r of a lemon , a teaspoonful of syrup, squeeze the co ntents together, fill the glass ·two-thirds with fin e ice, add one jigger of whi sky, sti r with cockt a il spoon a nd s t rain in sour g lass wi th fru it. No. 2 . Prepare your sour g lass with frui t a nd a littl e p ineapple juice. S ome times you might frost t he edge of the g lass with s ug a r ; it is a little old-fashioned,

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