1888 Bartender's Manual by Theodore Proulx (Revised Edition)


so doing you will be the more respected. Read news– papers, that you may keep well pos t ed on the topics of the day, and be abl e to answer readily any qu es– tions propounded you by your cus tome rs. " Never drink behind the bar" with a customer, nor in front of it either if you can by any means avoid it; it looks bad. GRACEFU L N ESS. When a bartender has reached gracefulness, he has attained to the scie nce and art of his professio n , because he must be · thoroughly v~rs ed in his busin e ss if he moves with ease; he is· in doubt of nothing. It is g raceful to take hold of a glass w ith two fing ers, not the whol e hand. Graceful to place a .g lass upon the counter without slamming it down. It is g raceful to place the shaker over your lemonade g lass witho ut striking it on top with your hand; by mere ly pre ss ing on it, it will remain just as firmly fixed a nd secure . With these few and necessarily brief rema rks I shall proceed to the main object of my work, com– mending it to the attention and soliciting for it the patronage of those to whom it is practically addressed.


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