1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
-88- tumbler upside down in the left hand, and place it over the pony glass of brandy then reverse the glass as well as the pony gla~s containing the b r andy, so as to have the stem of the pony glass on top, and the brandy at the bottom of the whiskey glass in ord~r to be convenient for the customer. (See llustrat10n, plate No. 2). - 202. BLACK STRIPE. (Use a large bar glass.) This drink can be made eith~r in summer or win– t er; if in the forme;r season, mix one t able-spoonful of water and cool with shaved ice. if in the latter, fill up the glass with boiling w~ter · use only the best New Orleans molasses, and grat~ a little nut– meg on top. 203. SOLDIERS CAMPING PUNCH. Boil a large kettle of strong black coffee, take a large dish and put 4 pounds of lump sugar into it ; then pour 4 bottles of brandy and 2 bottles of J a– maica rum over the sugar, and set it. on fire, let the sugar dissolve and drop into the black eeffee; stir this well and you will have a good ho Plll!ch for soldiers on guard. 204. GIN AND CALAMUS. (Use a Whiskey glass.) In preparing this drink, take 3 or 4 long pieces o.f calamus root, cut it in small pieces and put into an empty bottle; fill up the bottle with gin, and let it draw sufficiently to get all the essence of the calamus into the gin. In serving this drink, hand out the whiskey glass, and the bottle with the gin and calamus mixture, to let the customer help himself. If the mixture in the bottle should be too strong for the customer, let him add plain gin to suit hii; taste. 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum ·. 1 table-spoonful of molasses . '
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