1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 89 - 205. ORGEAT LEMONADE. (Use a large bar gla.ss.)
l1 /2 wine glass of Orgeat syrup; 1/2 table-spoonful of sugar; 6 to 8 dashes of Lemon juice;
3/4 glass of shaved ice ; fill the glass with water; mix up well and ornament with grapes, berries, etc., in season, and serve with a straw. This is a fine drink in warm climates:..
206. BEEF TEA. (Use a hot water glass.) 1 / 4 tea-spoonful of the best Beef ExtTact ; fill the glass with hot water ;
stir up well with a spoon, and hand this to the customer, place pepper, salt and celery salt handy, and if the customer should require it, put in a small quantity of Sherry wine or Brandy. - 207. GIN AND MILK. (Use a Whiskey glass. ) Hand the bottle of Gin, glass and spoon out to the customer to help himself, fill up the balance with good, rich ice cold millr, stir up with a spoon and you will have a very nice drink. 208. COLUMBIA SKIN. (Use a small bar glass .) · 1 tea-spoonful of sugar, dissolve well with a little water· 1 slice of Lemon; 2 or 3 pieces of broken ice ; 1 wine glass of rum; stir up well with a spoon; grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. This drink is called Columbia Skin by the Boston people.
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