1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
12 - it is in convenient reach for y ou, thus losing n eit her time nor steps. It .is 1 furth ermore, of importance, that the boxes conta:mmg the water are always k ept perfectly clean, so that in case any of your customer s step s or looks behind the bar , b e will find it . o, and, really, I think it should be the pride of any bar– tender, to show his boss as well as his cu stomer in what good condition h e k eeps his bench. The floor behind the bar should also look clean and p erfectly dry, so that both, ben ch and fl oor, will give f 1?11 satisfaction to the p1·opr ietor as well as t o the public, and not alone th at, but it will also be b eneficial to the h ealth of the man doing t h e work behind the bar. (See illusti·ation, plat e 2.) 4. TREATMENT OF PATRONS-BEHAVIOR TOW ARDS THEM. 'The first rule to be observed by any man acting as bartender in our business, is to tr eat all customers with the utmost politeness and r espect. It is also a very important mat ter, to ser ve the custom er s with the very best of liquors, wines, beer, cigar s, etc., t ha t can be had for the money ; in this, of course, one must be governed by the style of h ouse he k eeps and the prices charged. Show to your patrons that you are a man of business and endeavor to do only what is right and just, by r efusing to sell any– thing either to mtoxicated or disorderly p er sons, or to minors. The customer will t h en respect you as a gentleman and a business man. No man employed ]n our business should make distinctions between customers on account of their appearan ce. A s long as they behave as gen tlemen, they should be treated as such, no matter what business they may purs ue. Ther efore all the customers whether rich or poor, should be served ~e, not duly in t he same resp ect- ·ful manr~er, but with the same quality of g oods ; ~wt ~eepmg a separate bot tle for rich peopl e and an inferior grade for poorw people, unless you have
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