1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
13 - a customer b efor e you who prefer quantity to qual– ity. In ob erving the e rule you will build up a reputation a a :ffrst-cla s bu ine man who carries on hi. bu iness in accordance with bu ine 32rincipl , and will find jt safe and ea y to u c ed. But th r e is a. way of spoiling your cu tom r a.nd ·th at is by offering too much, or treating too often. Thi· is especially the ca e with many people, on opening a n ew place of busines . It is always the wisest to give your customer s all they are entitled to, but no more. 5. RULES FOR BARTENDERS to be observed in entering on and going off duty. When th e stipulated time arrives for a bartender to quit, it i s his duty to see to it, that his benoh is in p erfect order 1 that all his bottles are fill d, hls ice box h as sufficient ice in it, that all glassware is cl ean, and everything straightened out in such a manner, that when his relief arrives, he will have no difficulty a.nd can immediately commence to ser'e customers. When the relief takes charge, it is his duty to convince himself, that nothing has been neglected and everything is properly arranged to enable him to perform his duty satisfactorily. Where there is no check system, the cash must be properly arranged as well as everything else. This is gene1·ally done by the proprietor, or the one havmg the management of the business, so that there. will be no difficulty in regard to the cash, which is the most important point in business. S. RULES IN REFERENCE TO A "GIGGER." In all my r ecipes for the various drinks, you will find the word "Wine Glass" as the article to be used in which to mix the drinks. The wine glass is only used for compiling those r ecipes; but for measuring the mixture, etc., the proper article to be used is what we call a "gigger," otherwise considerable
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