1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
-14- liquor would be wasted, in ca, e of a rush; it will al o enable you to get your drink at once, tb e way the ~ustomer desire to h ave them, either t rong or medium, by using a "gigger," a t here i no man in the business who can pour out of a bottle a certain quantity of ]jquor by gues 'ing at it, esp ecially when the bottles used are only half filled or nearly empt) . ~he "giggern 'is of silver-plated metal and is shi;iped like a sh erry glass without the l ong stem; It is durable and almost impossible to break; it is used by all :first-cla ·s ba1'tende1·s excepting only a few ex– perts in mixing· drinks, who h ave su ch practice and experie11ce, that they ca11 measure without "gigger" or even a glass. 7. THE OPENING OF A NEW PLACE. The most important thing to be looked after in o~ening a new pla:ce is i~s location. The more pro– mmently the busmess IS l ocate<;'l. th e more b en efit .you will derive from it, and the easier it will be for you to obtain customers. The next in order is the laying out of the store as regards :fixtures, such as cou:µ_ter, ack bar, ice-bbx, liquor ca~es, clos~ts, and everyijling belonging to it · because m selecting- the right kind of fixtures that will :fit the place ll1Cely, you will give it a ~ood appea1·ance, instead of over– crowding it or having it look bare and empty. . My advice to any one starting a n ew :place, IS to consider well the location, and then obtaJn a lease, sufficiently long to make him safe on that score; then the running expenses, such as r ent, wages, gas, ice, lunch, etc., must be calculated, and if the invest– ment is not too large, and the necessary expenses compare favorablv with the amount of business ex– pected, it is likely to be a successful undei·t · ·king, provided the starter has the necessary knowledge and confidence in his ability to carry on and manage a business on strict business principles as it should
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