1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)

-15 - b managed . But af t er aJl the e u sid 'ration~·. and b efore contracting any obli gation , ven befor e si!?ning a l ease, you must h ave the assm ·axice of ob- t aining a licen se. • 8. FffiST DUTY IN OPENING A BAR ROOM IN THE MORNING. The greatest a ttraction of a ba.rroom i t h e appear– an ce of it. N ow, the fir t t )llng a b ar tender ~ust d.o a.fter 01)euing the saloon. in _the mor n ing . i s to give the pla.ce a perfect v entil t1on; after thi::-; - is accomplish ed, p r epar e y om· i ce wa t er, so as to b e r eady in case it i s d emanded . Tb eu turn y oui· at– t en tion t o the b ottles cont aining liquors, mixtures, etc., and see tha t they aJ.·e :filled aml corked; p l ac t hose t h at require it on ice; when that is fini shed ha\ e your porter to cl ean the floor p r operly and t h en du st all the w ood work, clean and polish the wind

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