1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
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bartender must also inquire, whether t he customer desires his drink stiff, str ong or medium, and then he must use his own j udgment inJreparing it, but at all times he must make it a specie point to st udy the t astes of his customers and strictly obey them, and mix all drinks according to their t a t e. I n following this rule, the barkeeper will soon gain th e esteem and r espect of his patr ons. 17. RELATING TO PUNCH BOWLS. It is of importance to know how to properly cool punches. To do it in the right way, take a i~e.tal dish of sufficient size to h old the bowl contalllll1g· the punch, put the bowl inside of this and complet ely fill the space between the bowl and the dish with finelj shaved ice, on which a little rock salt is sprinkled to prevent itfrommelting quickly ; inletting the ice reach over the rim of the bowl and spread– ing a few leaves over it, or other wise ornament ing it, the bartender can produce a nice effect , and will always have a cool and r efreshing punch. Decorat e the outside of the dish by laying a bright colored napkin or towel around it, th en place your punch glasses around the bowl, and th e wh ole ar range– ment will look pretty and inviting. 18. HOW DRINKS SHOULD BE SERVED AT TABLES. When the bartender I'.ecei ves an order for drinks to be served at tables, he sh ould send the. bottles and ice-water .along with the glasses on . a tray, so . that the parties can help themselves ; if there is a check system, the check should be sent along at t h e same time ; if not, it is the bart enders duty to mark down the amount at once to avoid confusion after– wards. Even if there h; a check system it is ad– visable for the barkeeper t o put t he amount of the check sent on a slate or piece of p aper especially if t he bartender does not know the chara~ter of the cust omers.
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