1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)

- 23- 19. HOW CLARET WINES SHOULD BE HANDLED, ETC. Claret Wines must be handled with gr ea.t car e ; they should be k ept in a t empcra.ti.u e of 60- 70 degrees in a horizontal position, and in er ving them, especially in drawing the cork, shaking of the bottle should be avoided, or the sediment, which all clarets deposit, will be mixed vvith t he wine, causing it t o look murky. If t oo cold t he bar tender may h ave to place the bottle in warm water or steam the glas. es to give the wine t he desired t emp er ature, which 1-v.ill always improve it s flavor. 20. PURCHASING SUPPLIES. In purchasing supplies it is advisable and profitable to deal with first-class, r eliable firms only , t o obtain the best of goods. You will find that it pays b est ill the long run, to sell a good ar t icle at a fair profit. This will give a good r eputation and gain the con– fidence of patrons. 21. HOW TO HANDLE ALE .AND PORTER IN CASKS. In laying in your stock of Ale and Porter, see to it, that you have a sufficiently lar ge stock, as some ales r equire consider able time to settle and get cl ear; Bass's Ale for example r equires from one to six week s, before it gets perfectly clear and :fit to draw. Stock or Old Ale also r equires plenty of time to settle. Ale or Porter should be t apped as soon as placed on the skids, and all shaking of the barr els on tap or to be drawn should be carefully avoided. New Ales require less time to be :fit to draw, but it is ad– visable to have a good stock on h and, as storing will improve the Ale and give b etter satisfaction to the customer. Keep all Ale and Porter, also those tha,t are bottled in a moder11te t emperature,

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