1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 26 - sure that it is fresh before mixing it wit h t h e drink 1 otherwise you are liable to spoil the whole drink. 27. HOW CORKS SHOULD BE DRAWN FROM WINE BOTTLES. The proper way t o draw a cork from a wine bottle is to first cut off the top of the tin-foil cap with a knife, then insert the corkscr ew and draw the cork. By doing this, the other part of the cap will r emain on the bottle, which will look better . How bottled wine should be served h as been previously described . 28. HANDLING OF CHAMPAGNES AND OTHER WINES, ETC. Champagne baskets or cases should be opened car e– fully, to avoi.d breakage. Not more t h an is n eeded for llnm.ediat e use should be placed on ice ; but if more h as b een put on ice than called for, it should be left there and not r emoved, as it will lose strength and flavor if allowed to get warm and is then again put on ice. If left on the ice, it should be kept close to the :freezing point, and the bottles placed so that the labels are n ot spoiled by ice or wat er . Th e bar– tender must h andle champagne carefully, as the bottles easily break on account of the gas contained in the champagne_. Ch~mpagnes, as well as other wines, such as Rhine W rnes, Moselle, Sherry, Por t , Claret, etc., should be laid down in storing . 29. CLEANING SILVERWARE, MIRRORS, ETC. It will be found a simple matter to clean silver– war~ by ~bse~ng _the foll?wing ~uggestions: T ake No. ~ Wh1tenrng, dissolve it well rn wat er or spirits, until it beco-!11es as liquid as water; then, after wash – ing off the silyerware, apply your whitening in a thin layer and let it ~et dry, then rub it off with a towel and polish up with a chamois ; if unable to r each all the crevices with the chamois, use the silver br ush,
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