1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 27 - until every par ticle of whitening i cleaning mirror s, wipe off the ,.)a with a damp aud clean towel, until all spots ar e rubbed off from t h glass, t heri take a perfe ·tly clean towel or hamois and polish until the milT01· is cle:m and bri"'ht. e none but linen towels, the a.me a used fo1· gla s– ware. 30. CORDIALS, BI TTERS AND SYRUPS. Cordials, Bitter s and Syi·ups should not be placed on ice, but kept in a moderate temperat1ue. Those cordials that ai·e used frequently should be k ept in small mixing bottles behind the bar and pr oper care taken to prevent insect · from entering t hem, and spoil the mixtm e of the dl·ink. In using t h ese mixing bottles it is advisable to keep one finger on the stopper or squirt to prevent it from dl·opping into the mixing tumbler wlµch would spoil t he dl·ink and wast e t he material. 31. GLASSWARE FOR STRAINED DRINKS. Attention must be given, to h ave yom· glasses of the right size and style, sufficiently l ar ge to hold the mixed dl·inks you intend t o strain into them. Mixed drinks will show to better advantage if served in a handsome style of glasswar e. 32. HANDING BAR-SPOONS TO CUS– TOMERS. In serving mixed drinks it is proper to give a :;;hOl't-handled bai·-spoon with them, so that if the customer desires to t ak e out some of the fruit it contai1:1s, such as a slice of orange, a strawberry or a slice of pineapple, he can do so without putting his fingers into the glass. Gentlemen often find it inconvenient to r emove their gloves while dl·ink– ing, t her efore a bar-spoon should be given with any mixed dl'ink containing fruit . r emoved. In
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