1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
In pr esenting th~s ma.nuaJ. to the pubµc, I beg the indul(J'ence for malring a few r emark s m r egard to myself. Having bec1~ ~n th.e Hotel and Liquor bu.si– ness in various capacities s~ce m y boyhood, I wa enabled to study its practice and management in regard to drinks, etc., and having travelled all over this and other countries in order t o learn and obtain the difl'erent styles of mix.ed cb:inks, I h n.ve after careful prepar at ion , time and exi;iense succeeded in compiling this work and I. chrJl~ng~ any party to criticise it and find one r ecipe which is not fully and completely prepared. This w~1·k is wr itten in a :very plain language, so as to have it u..;eful for ever yone . l hav~ always b~en emploled in s ome of the most promment, leading and first-class Hotels and Bar– rooms, in this city as well as in other lar ge cities and in all parts of the United Sta tes and othe; countries, from all of which I have the very highest letter s of r ecommendation as t o m y complete k.Ilow– ledge a_nd ability in managing a Barroom or H otel e~c. , and in pr~paring and :nux:ing drinks of everJ; kind and form m the l at est style. I h ave described and illustrat ed in a plain, straightforward manner that is under stood all over the wor ld all the po~ pular Mixed D1:inks, Cocktails, Punches, Juleps and other fancy drmks, et c., etc. In addition this b0ok will give you an entire and complete list if · in– structio?s, to be obs~rved i~ attending a "Qar, i conductmg yourself, m openmg a Saloon in the morning, how to .ser ve and wait on customers, and all the various details connected with the business, (3)
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