1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 4 - so that any per son who contemplates entering the business of a barte:nder, has a .compl ete and valuable guide, and illustrations to gmde him. I n this work you will also find a compl et e . li t of all the b ar ut ensils, as well as a complete list of Liqu ors 1 Gl ass– and Silver war e, Mixtures, et c., that you requu·e, and the differen t brands of bever ages you will need, and how to use them. .Also a large n umber of valuable hints and information to barten d ers, in :hat manner to compile them, and in fact every item that is of any use what ever from the moment you become a bartender, to the r equirements of each day. . Even :people. thoro~ghly ex.'P~rienced and competent in this busrness, will find this book, after a careful examination, to be as h andy to them as to any new beginner . I h ave al so m ade it my profession for many years back to t each ifte art of attending a bar to any party h aving an inclin – ation to learn; in past year s I h ave taught a grea t number of parties the profession in the latest styl e and in the most scientific manner, and I can wit h pride r efer to them as t o my :fitness as au instructor of bartend.ing. In conclusion let me say, tha t this wor k will not only be very valuabl e to the entire ptofes– sion it is intended for , but will prove t o be of great ad– vantage to all families and the public in g en eral, as a complete guide in preparing and t eaching t he art of mixmg drrnks and attending a bar. F~hermo!'e, as to the style and the art of m.i:xi~g (see illustrations, plates 1 and 3), t h is wor k will contarn nothing but the most r espectabl e r eading rna.tt0r. I remain, Your obedient servant, HARRY J OHNSON.
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