1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 68- 135. COLD WHISKEY SLING. (Use a small bar glass.)
1 tea-spoonful of sugar; 1/2 wine glass of water, dissolve well; 1 or two small lumps of ice; 1 wine glass of Whiskey;
mix well, grate a little nutmeg on top, ana serve. This is an old fashioned drink generally called for by old gentlemen. 136. JERSEY COCKTAIL. (Use a large bar glass.) 1/2 table-spoonful of sugar 3 or 4 lumps of broken ice; 3 or 4 dashes of Bitters; (Boker's genuine only); 1 wine glass of ~oocl Cider; mix well and stram into a cocktail glass, and twist a piece of Lemon peel on to1?. .This is a favorite drink with Jersey people. 137. KIRSCHWASSER PUNCH. (Use a large har glass.) 1/2 table-spoonful of sugar; 1 or 2 dashes of Lime or Lemon juice; 3 or 4 dashes of Chartreuse (yellow); dissolve well with a little water; Fill the glass with ice; ยท 1 1 /2 wine S'.lass of Kirschwasser; mix well with a spoon, ornament the top with fruit in season, and serve with a straw. 138. ORANGE. LEMONADE. (Use a large bar glass.) 1 table-spoonful of sugar; 1 dash at Lemon juice, squeeze out the juice of 1 or 2 oran~es ; _Fill the glass wi~h shaved ice; Fill the balance with water, shake or stir well, and
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