1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 69 - dress the top with fruit in season, and serve with a. straw. This is a very delicious summer ch-ink.
139. ARF AND ARF (Use a large l:!ar glass.)
The above is an old English drink, and has be– come quite a favorite in this country; it is mixed as follows: 1 /2 glass of Porter and the other half glass of Ale; but in this counti·y it is mostly understood to use half Old and half New Ale mixed ; the proper way is, to ask how the customer desires it, and see that the drink if cold enough in summer time, but still not too cold. l1/2 table-spoonful of sugar; 6 to 8 dashes of Lemon juice; 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice; fill the balance with water; shake or stir well; dress with fruit in season, a.nd serve with a str aw. To make this ch-ink taste pleasant, it must be at all times good and strong; therefore take plenty of lemon juice and sugar. 141. PORT WINE SANGAREE. (Use a smaU l>ar glass.) 1 tea-spoonful of sugar, dissolve well with a little water; 1 or 2 lumps of ice ; .1 wine glass of Port wine; . stir up WJ.th a spoon, remove the piece of ice if required; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. 140. . LEMONADE. (Use a large...,bar glass.)
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