1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Gin Julep. A large bar glasa.

Fill with fine ice. Three-quarters tablespoon s ugar. One-half wine.glass water.

Three or four sprigs mint, pressed as in Mint Jule p, t o extract the essence. 0ne and one-quarter wine-glass Holland gili. b~ir well, and dress with fruits in season, aud serve.

Pineapple Julep. For a party offive. Take t he juice of two oranges. One gill of iaspberry syrup.

One glll of Maraschino. One gill of Old Tom gin. One quart bottle s pad;\ing moselle : One ripe pineapple, pel'led, sliced and cut np. Put all the materials iu a glass bowl ; ice, and serve 111 flat .-;' asses, ornamented with berriAS in season. Knic~erbein. A sherry wfi;;i glass. One-third of a wi11 e-glass of \'anilla cordial. One yolk of egg, which carefully cover with ileuedictine. One-third wine-glass of Rummel. Two drops Angostura or Boker's bitters. The same rule is here applied as in mald1Jp: l?flusse Cufe, v iz.: Keep colors separate and the different portions from running into each other.

Knickerbocker. Large bar gla;;s. Two tablespoons raspbcny syrup. Juice or half a lemon.

A s lice of pineapple and orange. One wine-gla&s St. Croix rum. Hal[ wine-glass Curacoa. Fill glass with fine ice; stir well, adding fruit in season, and imbibe through a straw.

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