1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox


Mulled Wine, with Eggs. Use 1nmrh bo1cl.

Ta.kc nin e fresh eggs.

Four la.ole~;poonful s of powdered white sugar. On o qua.rt either of Port, cla ret, or red Burg undy wino. Gratc1l nutmeg to taste. One pint of wale r.

B!'at up the whites a.1 d t he yol ks of the eggs separately, t he s uga1· wi th t he yolks. Pour into a delicately clean skillet the wi ne and half a. pint of watc1·, set t his on the fire. Mix t he whites and yolks or t hP eggs in t he bowl with t he hala nce of tho wate r rLnd beat t hem togcthor thoroughly. Whe n tho wino boils , pou1· IL on t ho mixture in t ho bowl, add t ho nutmeg, and stir it rapidly . Bo caroful not t o pour the mixture into the wine, or the eggs will mndle. ~ome persons may prefer moro s ugar, and the addition of a little allspice, but t hat is a matter of taste. Mulled Cider. Cide r may be m ulled in precisely the sa.me manne r a s recommenr!Pcl in t he prncerling recipe, omitting the waler, rLnd us ing twice t he quantity of cide r for the same uumbe1· of eggs. Port Wine Negus. Use small bar glass. Take on e wine-glass of Port wine. On e toaspoouful or sugar. F ill tumbler one.t hird full with hot water, a~d grat e a little nu tmeg on top befor e serving .

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