1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Cosmopolitan Claret Pun ch . Use a goblet.

One-hal! filled with choppC"d ice . One and one-ha lf pony brandy . One -half t ablespoon sugar. Fill wit h cla ret. Shake well and dress with berries a nd fr uit, a n d serve.

Curacoa Punch. L arge bar glass.

'rhree-quarters tablespoon sugar . Three or four dashes of lemon j uice. One wine glass brandy .

One pony glass Curncoa (re d ). One-ha lf glass J amaica rum. Dress with fruits as u s ua l. Flll wi t h fin e lee and sl i– through a straw.

El Dorado Punch .

One tablespoon s ugar. One pony glass bra ndy. One-half pony glass J amair a rum . One-bale pony glass Bourbon whiskey. One s lice of lemon. l!'Ul glass with floe ice ; s hake t hor oughly. Dress with fruit and serve with a s traw.

Medford R.um Punch. A large bar glass.

Fill glass with fine ice. Three.quart:er tablespoon s ugar. Two or three das he:> lemon j uice. One and a quarter glass Medford rum. One dash of J amaica r um . Stir \Veil . Dress with fruits. Ser ve wiLh s traw.

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