1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Kirschwasser Punch. A large bctr glass. One-ha lf tablespoon s ugar.

Two or three dashes lemon juice. Three or four dashes Chartreuse. On e wi•!e-glass Kirschwnsser.

Fill three-q ua1·to1· of the g lass wich fine ice. Dres:i with fruit s ; serve with a straw.

Mississippi Punch. L arge bm· g/m;s. Ono tablespoon s ugu r, dissol v

Two or three das hl's l<'mon juice. Hair wino-glass Bourbon whiskey. Hal[ wi no.glass J a maica rum. One wine-glass brandy.

Roman Punch. A large bar glC!ss. Ha tr fill glass with fine ice. One tables poon sugar. Two or th ree dashes lemon juice.

Juice of h alf a n orange. Quart er pony Curucoa. Half wine-gluss brnnrly. Half pouy glass J'amaica rum. Stir well. Dash with Port wine. Dress with fruit. 8crve with straw. Orchard Punch. A lurge bm· glass. 'fwo tablespoons orchard syrup. Two or three dashes of lime or lemon j uice. Ha lf pony pinea pplo syrup. Fill glass with rlno ice. One wine-g lass California brandy. Sti1· well. Dress wiLh fruits , das h with a little fort wine, a11d s~rve witb a s •.i·o,w

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