1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Pineapple Punch. For a party of Len . Take four bottles of Champagne . One pint of Jamaica rum.

One pint of brandy. One gill of Curacoa. Juice of four lemons . '.rwo pineapples s liced. Sweetun to taste with pu: vorizcu white s ugm·.

Put the pineapple with quarter of a p"ound o f s uga r in a glass bowl, and let them sta11d until tho s uga r is we ll souk<>tl in the pineapple, then a l.Id all the other ing r edients, except the champagne.

Arrack Punch. Three tumblera of punch. Take two wlne.glasses of Batavia Arrack (old). Three wine-glasses of Jamaica rum. Sweeten to taste with loaf suga r dissolved. in hot water. Lemons and limes are a lso matters of palate , but two lemons are Anough for the above quantity; put then an equal quantity of water- i e., not five but aix glas ses to allow for the lemon juice, and you have three very pretty tumblers of punch.

Canadian Punch. For a am.all party. Take two quat·ts or rye whiskey. One pint of Jamaica ruru. Six lemons, sliced.

One pineapple, sliced. Four quarts of water. ~weeten to taste, and Ice before servl;°~·

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