1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Philadelphia Fish- Ho u se Punch. (From a recipe in the possession of Churl cs G. Le land, Esq.) ·fake one-third pint of lemo n ju ice. Three-quarter pou nd of whi t o s ugar d isso lved In sufficient water. OnP.-half pint of Cognac brandy . One-quarter pin t of peach bra11tly . One-quarter pint of J uruaica 1·11 111. Two und a half pinls of col d water . Cce and serve. The a bove is gen erally sufficien t for one person.

None- Such Punch. For bottling. Tako six bottles of Ola rot.

Six bottles of soda water. Ono bottlo of brandy. One bottle of Sher ry. One-hair pint of g reen tea.. J uice of th ree lemoi, s . Ono-ho.If of a pineapple cut up in small



' w~eten W[Lh white s ugaL· to tnst e . Stntin and bottle .m:nectiately K . · I b f oerving. · C•· p lor ono mont h ueforo us w g . co e ore

Tip-Top Brandy. For a party of fi'l:e. Take ono b t 0 t l o Of Oho.rn pu.g no. ~W<> boLtles of soda wa l e r. no liq11 eur glass of Curucon .

Two tablespoonfuls of powrlercrl !'ug nr. One slice of pineapple, c ut " l' PPt a ll ti.le · • · iugredients togethe1· !11 tLs n1all pun ch rutx well, Ice and ser ve in Ohampugno gobkts.


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