1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Century Club Punch. Ta ko one pint, or old 8anla Cruz rum. Ouo pint, of old .Jamaica n1111. Fivo pinls of watl!r.

With t.ho addit.ion or lt>nhln juice unli s ugar to s uit t.ho tast.e, this nmkus a nico punch. Tho prcciso porlions or s pirit and walo1·, or e ven of t ho ucirllty and sweoL!wss, can haYo no gene ral rule , as scarcely two persons nmko punch aliko.

E ng lish Milk P unch . 2'o 11wkc .six /Jotlle1:1.

T ake two quarts of wntor. Ono quad of milk.

Ono quitrl. or old Jamaica rum. Two 'illarl.s o ( F1·<· nch l.Jrnndy.

Add tho milk lo t.ho waler. Mb: t ho spirits, und pour them Into tho milk, stirring I.ho mixture for n short time . Let it stand for a n hour, then li ltl'r through blottlng-pupor iuto botUos. 'l'his would bo s 11lfo:iont fo1· s ix bottles . If, nfter filtering U10 punch is not clci:u·, t.ho alld ilio n of a small port.iou or h;ingluss t.o each bottle wi ll clarify it .

California Milk P unch. For /Joliling.

Tako tho julco of four lomons . 'rho rind of two lemons.

Half-pound of white s ugar, dlssolvod In just s ufficient hot water. One pinoupple, pooled, s liced, and pounded. Six cloves. Twenty coriander seeds. Ono small s tick of cinnamon.

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