1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Half gill of Benedic tine . Qunrter gill of J a ma ica rum. One bottle of Fre nch brandy. Six bottles of Cha mpagne. Four bottles of Tokay. Two bottles of Mnde ira. Four bottles of Ohateau Margaux.

May Wine Punch. Uae a large punch bowl.

Take one or two bunches of woodniJT. and cut them into small pieces and place into a la rge b a 1· g lass, and fill Ufl tha balance with the best Fre nch brandy, cove r it up and let It stand for two or three hours until the essence of tho woodruff is thoroughly extracted .' cove r the bottom of the bowl with !oar sugar, and pour· fr~m Four to six bottles of pla in s oda over the s ug ar. Cut up six ora.nges in s lices. One-half pineapple, and s uffic ient be rries and grapes. Eight bottles of Mose lle or Rhine wine . Th One bottle of Veure Clicquo t. and th en put your woodruff and brnndy e tc in to the bowl, en stl ' ·' . gall r well, and you will have two and a third t o tlu ee fthonls or excellent May wine punch. ; urro und the bowl w ce serv i ' I c t ' . e .n a wine-glass i.n s uch a manne r tha t e nc 1 thus omer Will get a piece of a ll of the fruits con taine d in e punch.

Cold ~uby Punch. Two quarts of Batavia Arra.ck. Two quarts of Port wine. Five pints of green tea. T~o pounds of lvaf s ugar. Jmce of twelve l<'mons. One pineapple cut in small pieces.

Sweeten t o taste and Ice before se1·ving .

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