1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox


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Port \Vine P u n c h . A l

Flll up with fl ue Ice, sti r wr ll , nm! d r oss top wi t h fr11its In season. Servo wit h n. s t raw.

Oxford P unc h . Ono pint of Cogn nc J.rn nd y. Ono pint o r olcl .J amail'a rum . One qunrl o r onrng o s hrub .

One-half pint o r Sherry . ~n o bolt.le o f Cnpillnirr .

'I'wo quar ts of bo iling wn ter. Six glasses o f c nlf's. foot. je lly. Six IC'mons . Fou r swoel oranges.

Sufficient loaf s ugn.r , dissoh ·ed in some of t h o h ot wal er. Rub the rinds of l hreo lemon s wil h s 11g n1·. Cu l l h e prc l ofTtwo more lemons nnd two o f tho o r n ngcs- n ' ry fin e . Press out the juico of a ll t h o oran ges n11 d 10111011!'". Pineo thewhole,withtho jolly,ln n jug a.n d s t.ii· w<'ll. Po111· on tho wntor nnd lot It s t a.nd fo r t we nty nd 11 utc!:'. SI r uin through a. fln o s lovo Into n. lnrgo b owl ; a dd I.ho Cnpillai r C', spirits, s hrub, a.ncl wine, s tirring we ll.

Englis h Royal Punch. Use a bowl f or 111i.<;i11g f o r a s 111a ll 11arty . Ono pint of hot g r ee n tPu.. Ono-hulf pin t or l ho bo,,l brandy .

Onc-hnlf pint or Jamaica rum. Ono winc-g lnss of Cu r noon (re d).

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