1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Port Wine Sangaree. .A smctll bar 9lass.

One or two lumps ice. Ono teaspoon s ugar. One and a hair wine-glasses Port wine.

Sh nke well; remove ice; gmte a little nutmeg on top; ser vo.

Gin Sangaree. One-half t onspoon sagar dissolved inn little water. One wine-g lnss Holland gin. Ono lump or !co. Stir with n s poon; put about n teaspoon or Sherry .on top, and s erve.

~orter Sangaree. A large bar glass.

One .half tablespoon s ugar. Three or fonr lumps of Ice. Fill np wi th portnr. Stir well ; remove tho ice ; grate nutmeg on top, and serve.

Sherry Wine Sangaree. .A 101riflkey gla88. One teaspoon sugar.

Ono or two lumps of Ice. Ono wine-glass Sherry. Shako we ll ; rernove ict>, grate a little nutmPg on top, and son ·e .

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