1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



placed upon t ho s kid, a s 11bs ta11tial sta nd mndo exp1ess ly for tho purpose, and kept in a p lace whe ro the tempe rature is moderate a nd uniform. Whiskey is usually kept cli1·ccLly o n ico, but b randy and othe r liquors require on ly a mode rate t empe ratu re. Fine o ld cognac loses its ",-oh·et" I\· he n c hilled. Iloltlce containing liquor s hould be kept lying d own , in o n ler to keep t he corks moist, and preve n t t he s t rnng th 1.J\'i11g lost by c rnporation. Bottles con taining c ha m pag ne, or a ny othe r bris k w ines, must be kept lay ing clown ; if in a n up r ight position for any length of tima t he corks become dry and I.he gas Is liable to esca pe. Duri11g t h e process of cooling s pa rkling win es the bottles s hould not be placed in d irect contact with the ice, because that por tion or t he bottle which "t ouches the ice eools more rapid ly t han t he r!'maincler, caus ing un equal cont raction a nd cons eq uent tendency to crack. Chnmpagno req uites careful t reatment. It is not adv is– a ble t o place more ata t ime on ice t ha n Is likely to be us ed, because if removed from t he Ice a nd ag11l n a llowed t o get warmer, a second icin'! inj ures both flavor a nd s trength. WhPn champagne is in occasiona l use, being ser ver! by t he glass or fo r mixing bevera~es, it is a good plan to place t he bottle on a rn.ck, the neck slopiug downwa rds, and in– ser t throug h t he cork a 001 l;screw siphon provided with a c ut-off or faucet, by t he use of which a small port ion m ay bo drawn oIT a t a t ime wit hout a llowing a ny escape of the gas. Claret, Rhine w ines, shP.rry, port, et c., r P.quire special at.te nt ion. T heir tcmpe raturn s hould not bo Loo oold; a nd, wlll'n poured Into g ln.sses, the bottlo s hould bo s t eadil y lia ndled, so t hat a ny sed iment that may be in t he bottom of tho bottle is not dis tm·bed. Bottles containing these wines, when laid away, s hould he placed on their s ld.:s , t o keep the corks mois t , Mineral waters con tained in siphons s hould be cooled i;radually, a,nc\ not allowed to $ta,nd in con t&ct witb the iQ~.

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