1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox


Cordiale De CaJadon.

E n.If pound lemen peel, cut sm.i.11. H alf ounce fennel seed, in coarse powder. One ounco cardamoms.

One drnchm aniseed. One drnchm cloves. Two gallons proof spirit. F our pints capillaire.

1\IncPrnte t ho peel and t ho powders in the spirit for fourteen d n.ys , t hen p ress and filter, a11d add the capillaire.


Twelve ounces lemon peel. One ounce essence of s affron. Two gallons proof s pirit . Ha lf gallon capillairn. Mn.cerate t h e peel in the spirit for fourteen days, then n.dtl t he essence of saffron a nd capillaire.


Two and a quarter gallons proof spirit. Quart.er gallon orange flower water. Half gallon syrup. T en ounces lemon peel. One a nd a half ounces essence of saffron.

Qunrter ounce essence of amber. Qua rt or ounce essence of ornn go. One drachru essence of horgnmot. Mix nlto~Pther, and in one month press and filter. This i ' g r <>nily improved by age.

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