1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Cherry Bran dy. Brui se three pounds or bluck chenies, wild ones prefer- 1· ul o, crnckiug the stones; put t be muss into a jar, with a. low young ch e rry leo.\·P!'. Add three pin1s of brandy or pure spirit; In t bree month s s train olT. Add t.wo pounds of clear sugar, after wi1ich it will be ready for use in a week.

Gru newald Bra ndy. One pound orange peel. One pound centauri11m. F our o unces wormwood. F our ounces ground ginger. Flv!l ounces calo.ruus root. T\..,'O o unces trefoil.

Five ounces oil C'loves. Five ounces cinno.mon.

Three ounces oil of peppermint. Five gallons alcohol 95 pei· cent. Stee p the above in the alcohol for ten days ; straJn and idd: Three q uo.rts white syrup. Five go.lloos water. Color with carnmel o r burned s ugar. Ora nge Bra ndy. Int o o. Io.rge jar put eight Seville ornnges ; cover them ,,.irn IH'n.ndy. I n three months' time strain ofT tile bra.ndy, :;weeten to tnste, and cover the oro.ngcs o,~ei· with syrnp: tho residuum will make o.n excellent sweetmeat.

Domestic Brandy.

One pint essence of Cognac. Fifteen go.lions fine pure s pirits, 20 per cent. above. Ho.I( pint white syn1p. Color with caramel.

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