1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Put the mint in the Cumbler, add the sugar, having p reviously .dissolved it i n a l i t t l e water, then t he brandy, and lastly, Nl up th e gl a ss with s haved ice. Stir with a spoon but do not crush the mint. This is t he genuine method of concocting a Sou t hern mi n t julep, but whisky may be substituted for brandy if


Gin Jul ep. (Use large bar-glass.)

The gin julep is n iade with the same ingredients as the mint julep, omitting the fancy f ixings.

W'hisky Julep. (Use large bar-glass.)

The whisky j u lep i s made the same as the mi nC julep, omitting all f r u i t s and berries, and using only G reer's Old Va t t ed H i g h l and Wh i sk y i ns t ead o f Brandy.

Take 1 tea-spoonful of wh it e sugar. Brandy Smash. (Use small bar-glass.)

2 Cable-spoonfuls of water. 8 or 4 sprigs of tender mint. 1 wine-glass full of brandy.

Press the mint in the sugar and water to extract the flavor, add the brandy, and f ill the glass two thirds full of shaved ice. Stir' thoroughly, and ornament with a half a slice of orange, and a few fresh sprigs of mint . Serve with a straw.

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