1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Whisky Cobbler.

Take 1-.', wine-glass of Shamrock whisky.

1 tea-spoonful of wh it e sugar dissolved in a

little water.

1 slice of orange cut into quarters. 1 dash of Maraschino.

F ill t h e t um b l e r w it h . s h aved i c e , shake up thoroughly, ornament wit h be r r ies, and serve with a strawi

Saratoga Brace Uy.

(Use large bar-glass.)

2 dashes of Angostura bitters. 4 dashes of lemon or lime.juice. 2 dashes of A.bsinthe. 1 fresh egg. 1 wine-glass of brandy. 2 or 3 small lumps of ice. Take 1 table-Spoonful of fine white sugar. Shake up thoroughly, strain into another glass, and kH it up with Seltzer water.

Brandy Bca5h. (Use small wine-glass, )

Take —.',

fine old brandy.

2 1 Maraschino

dashes of Angostura bitters.

H a v e l o c R T o b a c c o s .

Finest Quality.

Made with