1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Cold Wh i sky Toddy . .

(Use small bar-glass,)

Take 1 tea-spoonful of fine white sugar,

1 wine-glass of Greer's old vatted H i oh l an


l lump of ice.

Dissolve the sugar in t he wa t er, add the wh i sky and ice, and stir with a spoon. To make HoT WHIsKY TODDY, dissolve the sugar in boiling water, omit the ice and pour boiling water into the glass, until it is two-thirds full.

Cold Ir ish Wh i sk y T o d d y .

tUse smalI bar-glass.)

Take 1 tea-spoonful of fine white sugar,

1 wine-glass of K i r k e r O r e e r'sSharrrrock


2 wine-glasses of water. 1 lump of ice.

Dissolve the sugar in t h e wa t er, add the wh i sky and ice, and stir v ; it h a spoon. This is a delicious d rink if made with the above brand of wh i sky .

(Use la,rge ba,r-glass.) Take 1 large tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar. 1 fresh egg. .!- wine glass of brandy. —,'; wine-glass of Santa Cruz rurir. A little shaved ice.

Ha a e l o c h

T o b a c c o s

Dark and. Aromatic.

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