1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Hot Br andy S l i n g . (Use medium bar-glass, hot.)

1 wine-glass full of.brandy. Take 1 small tea-spoonful of powdered sugar.

Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add the b randy, and fill t h e g l ass two-thirds f ul l o f b o i l i ng water. Or at e a li t tle nutnieg on top and sei.ve,

Gin Sling .

( Use small bar-glass.)

1 wine-glass of water. 1 wine-glass of brandy. 1 small lump of ice. Take 1 tea-spoonful of fine white sugar.

Dissolve the sugar i n t h e w a t er , add the b r andy and ice, stir thoroughly wit h a s poon. Orate a little nutmeg on top and serve.

Hot Gin Sl i ng .

(Use me

1 wine-glass of Holland gin. Take 1 small tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar. Dissolve the sugar in a little boilino water, add the gin, fill t h e g $a~s two-thirds f ul l o~f boiling wa t er. Orate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

H a m e l o c R 'T o b a c c o s .

Finest ()uality.

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