1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Sherry and Bztters. (Use Sherry wine-glass.)

Take 1 dash of b i t t e rs, twist the g l ass around so t hat the bitters wil l cover the whole surface of t he glass. F il l w i t h sherry wi ne, and serve.

Sherry and Egg. (Use small bar-glass.)

Pour in about one wine-glass of Sherry. Then

break in the glass one fresh egg.

Sherry and Ioe. (Use small bar-glass.)

Put in the glass two or three small lumps of ice. Hand the decanter of wine to the customer.

B randy St r a i gh t . (Use small bar-glass.)

In serving this drink you simply put a piece of ice i n a tumbler, and hand it to your customer, with t h e bottle of brandy, and a separate glass of ice water. WHISKY STRAIGHT and GIN STRAIGHT are served in the same manner. Pony Brandy'. (Use large bar-glass.) Take 1 pony-glass of brandy, (best.) Pour it into the glass, and serve with someice-water in a separate glass.

H a v e l o c k T o b y a o o s .

Finest Quality.

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