1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Sam Ward Kiimmel. Canadian Recipe.

Fill a claret glass nearly full with pounded ice and put in enough thin lemon peel to fill it, and then pour on all a liqueur-glass of Kummel.

Toddy. Take the thin rind of two large lemons and put it into a bowl with half a pint of cold water, and let it soak till the liquor is pleasantly flavoured ; take out the rind and in its place put a small quantity of fruit, such as three or four strawberries and a slice of pineapple. Ten minutes before the toddy is served add a pint of Sunshine rum and a quarter of a pound of crushed ice.

Tom Collins.

made in the same way as John Collins,

This is

except that Plymouth gin should be used.

Whisky Cocktail.

Half a teaspoonful of bitters, two drops of essence of cinnamon. Sweeten with syrup ; add half a pound of pounded ice. gill of whisky, one

Whisky Cordial. Strip a pound of ripe currants from their stalks, put them into a large jar, add the rind of two lemons, quarter of an ounce of powdered ginger.

Made with