1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



May Nectar. German Recipe.

Take six leaves each of tarragon, geranium, milfoil, and pimpernel, half the quantity of black currant, mint, basil, and balsam leaves. Slice a lemon and add to it also a few sprigs of lavender, half a pound of castor sugar, twenty leaves of balm, fifteen of peppermint, two of mild sweet-scented woodruff with the blossom. Put these into a large china bowl and pour over four bottles of Niersteiner. Let this mixture sleep for a couple of hours before it is drunk. Mead. Dissolve a pound of honey in three quarts of water. Boil, skim, and reduce to half a gallon. Fill a jug with it, cover it, and let it remain undis- turbed for three days. Nectar. One gallon of simple syrup, two ounces of citric acid, and a quarter of an ounce of caramel, one- eighth of an ounce of essence of carmine and the same quantity of nectar. Orangeade. Make a syrup by boiling six ounces of loaf sugar in half a pint of water till the sugar is dis- solved. Pour it over the thin yellow rinds of two small oranges and let them infuse for three hours. Strain the juice of six oranges into a glass jug ; add

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