1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis

46 DRINKS A LA MODE syrup (made in the same way as for Creme de Citron). Add some drops of cochineal, and filter through filtering-paper and bottle immediately. This liqueur is very good for singers who suffer from relaxation of throat.

Crfeme de Rose.

Put twelve drops of oil of roses and three of oil of nutmeg into a quart of spirits of wine. Shake the mixture well, and when the oils are dissolved add a quart of the syrup (as in Creme de Citron) and a sufficient quantity of essence of cochineal to produce a fine rose colour. Filter and bottle. Put twelve drops of the tincture of vanilla into a quart of spirits of wine ; shake well, then add a syrup as before described. When well mixed let it stand ten minutes, then filter it twice, or even thrice if necessary, through filtering-paper. It should be very bright and clear. Creme de Vanille.


One gallon of syrup, two ounces of essence of curagoa, four ounces of lemon juice, a quarter of an ounce of essence of carmine, one-eighth of an ounce of caramel. Mix well, then bottle. Or it can be made with one gallon of syrup, one and a half of essence of curagoa, the juice of four oranges, one-eighth of an ounce of an infusion of saffron.

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