1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman



Stone"Wall.—C Use a large bar glaaa.) table-spoonful of sugar. I or -1 lumps of ice. 1 ■wine glass of 'Whiskey, i bottle of plain Soda water. Stir up well with a spoon, remove the ice and serve. ■ This is a very cooling drink, and generally called for in the warm season.

Stone Fence.—C Use a whiskey glass.) Fill glass with fine ice. ^ table-spoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes Lemon Juice. wine glass Seltzer water. 1 wine-glass Whiskey.

Sliandy Gaflf.—(Use a large bar glass.) Fill the glass half full of Old Ale or Bass Ale, and the other half with Belfast Ginger Ale-; stir up with a spoon, and serve. How to Mix Tom and Jerry.—(Use a punch bowl for the mixture.) Use eggs according to quantity. Before using eggs, be care ful and have them fresh and cold; go to work and take two bowls, break up your eggs very carefully, without mixing the yolk with the whites, but have the whites in a separate bowl, take an egg heater and beat the white of the eggs in such a manner that it becomes a stiff froth; add lyi table-spoonfuls of sugar for each egg, and mix this thoroughly together, and then beat the yolks of the eggs until they are as thin as water; mix the yolks of the eggs with the whites and sugar together, iintil the mixture gets the consistency of a light batter, and it is necessary to stir the mixture up every little while to prevent the eggs from separating. How to Serve Tom and Jerry.—f Use either a mug or a bar glass.) 2 table-spoonfuls of the above mixture. 1 wine glass of Brandy. 1 pony glass of Jamaica rum. Fill the mug or glass with hot water or hot milk, and stir up well with a spoon, then pour the mixture from one mug to the other, three or four times, until the above ingredients are thoroughly mixed, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

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