1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman



Reduced Gin.

To lOj^ gallons Pure Proof Spirit, add: 5 gallons pure Holland Gin. 3 gills simple Syrup. Then mix well together.



To 10^ gallons Pure Spirit, add: 2^ gallons pure Holland Gin. 1 pint Syrup. 1 drachm Oil of Turpentine, cut and mixed in ^ pint Alcohol. ^oz. Spirits of Nitre. Mix well together and it will be ready for use. !

SwampscottJamaicaRum(Imitation). To 10>^ gallons Pure Spirits, add: lyi gallons Jamaica(genuine), jounce Tincture of Kino. 1)4! pound loaf Sugar.

%ounce Butyric Acid,cut or mixed first in Alcohol, and leftstanding thirteen hours,then add to the spirits, drachm Caraway Seed Oil.' yi drachm Fennel Seed Oil, cut or mixed in K pint Alco hol and add after standing fourteen hours. Mix the whole together and let stand for six days, after coloring with sugar coloring.

Simple Syrup. Take 2 pounds of loaf sugar to 1 pint of water, dissoive it over the Are, remove the scum that arises, as soon as it com mences to boil, remove it from the fire, strain it while hot.


Gum Syrup. Dissolve 2 pounds of loaf sugar and 1 pound of white gum arabic in 1 quart of hot water, boil over the fire for 2 minutes.


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