1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman



Raspberry Syrup. Take 1 pint of fllterocl raspberry juice, mash the raspberries in a pan and let them stand 2 or d days until fermentation has commenced, filter the juice through blotting paper, and add 2 pounds of tine sugar. Place the syrup on the fire and as it heats, skim carefully, but do not allow it to boil; when it be comes of a proper consistency, remove it and allow it to cool, then bottle it. Strawberry Syrup. Take 4 quarts of strawberries, express the juice and strain, add water until it measures -1 pints, add 8 pounds of powdered sugar, keep it on the lire until it boils, then strain, allow it to cool and bottle. Lieniou Syrup. 1 pint of lemon juice, dissolve 5 pounds of sugar in the lemon juice, add the rinds of5 lenlons, boilfor 2 minutes,skim, then strain. OrgeatSjTup. Cover with boiling water 2 pounds of sweet almonds, it's, of bitter almonds,letthem stand until cooland then peel them, beat them in a mortar to a line paste, adding water slowly, press through a linen cloth and dissolve in the liquid 15 pounds of sugar, boil for 2 minutes,then strain.

Cordial Syrup.

35 lbs. relinod lump Sugar. 3 gallons boiling water. Dissolve the sugar in the water and stir in through flannel.

Raiiaiia Syrup.

1 gallon white Syrup. 1 oz. Essence of Banana. A few drops Lemon Extract. (

Clove Syrup.

30 drops of Quintessence of Cloves. 1 lb. simple Syrup. Mix by shaking well together in a bottle.

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