1892 Drinks of the world



pint of boiling* water, and use 4 fluid ounces of the clear solution to each orallon of syrup. Some manufacturers have attained a high reputa- tion for their lemonade by adding a small quantity of Neroli^ to the ordinary syrup. This, if judiciously used, will doubdess be deemed an improvement by connoisseurs generally, provided they are kept in ignorance of the substance employed ; but a still greater improvement is produced by adding about I fluid ounce of good orange flower water to each gallon of syrup. In the next beverage we are perilously tempting the fiend Alcohol, although it ranks as a Temperance drink.

Chavipagne Cyder,

.1 gallon

Plaia^ Syrup, 42° T. Butyrate of Eihyl 2 Acetate of AmyP Nitrate of Amyl. Acetic Acid Sugar Colouring



4 minims 4 » 2 4 or 5 fluid ounces

Use I to 1 1 fluid ounces of this syrup to each bottle.

But here

direction which plainly shows the

is a

cloven hoof. " The Ethyl and Amyl compounds are conveniently used by mixing them separately in the first place with nine times their bulk of Alcohol, or strong rectified spirit, adding these mixtures to the Acetic Acid, and this in turn to the syrup."

^ An extract made from orange flowers. 2 Or Butyric Ether, known as Essence of Pine-apple. 3 Jargonelle Ether.

Made with