1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)





large mixing-glass,

a fresh egg in its bottom, a tablespoonful of sugar, a little fine ice, ^3 of Santa Cruz rum, % of brandy,

i dash of maraschino or creme de vanille. Fill your glass with milk; shake this exceedingly well, strain into a large, thin glass, add the oil of a little lemon-peel on the top, and serve. (This drink may be made of almost any kind of liquor that is desired.) 143.

The juice of Yz a lime in a glass, a spoonful of sugar, the white of an egg,

a little drink of Irish whiskey, 2 dashes of Tonic Phospate, % full of ice.

Shake, strain and fill

balance with Seltzer.




(FOR TWO.) A large tumbler with 2 fresh eggs, the juice of a lemon, 2 barspoonfuls of sugar, l

/t glass of shaved ice, 2 dashes of calisaya, 2 drinks of Old Tom


1 dash of absinthe, 2 dashes of vino vermouth. Shake for full 2 minutes; strain into a high glass; fill the balance with carbonic water, and serve.

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