1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)



156. porter JUp. A long, thin glass with an egg in the bottom, a spoonful of sugar, fill your glass with porter, stir very well. A little nutmeg on top,

and the oil of a little lemon-peel.

157. 3U)c




the juice of a lime, a little pineapple syrup, a spoonful of sugar; dissolve well; Yz drink of Santa Cruz rum, Yz drink of brandy.

Mix this well, fill your glass with ice,

and mix again; strain

and grate a

into a fine glass; place a slice of lemon on the top,

little cinnamon upon it.


emrine tUtyiakeg |)tmcl).

A goblet filled with fine ice,

a dash of lemon-juice, 3 dashes of gum, i drink of whiskey.

Then fill

and put this on top of

another goblet with fine ice,

the first; turn them upside down five or six times; hold them up together as high as you can with both hands, and let the liquid drip down into a tall, fancy glass; i dash of Jamaica rum on the top, and you will have an impressive and pleasant drink. (Other liquors may be turned into punches the same way.)

159. (Sin fluff.

A large glass with a drink of gin; fill your glass half with milk and the balance with Seltzer, while you stir it.

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