1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)


218. test) ani


Place a little tansy in a tumbler, add a little sugar, mix with a little water to extract the substance of the tansy; pour in gin (Holland or Old Tom), and serve with a spoon. om anfo Jerrg. Break the yolks of six eggs in the bottom of a large bowl ; beat it long enough to make bubbles appear on the top; stir in some fine sugar gradually, until the mixture becomes hard enough, so that you may take out a spoonful of it without spilling anything; beat the whites of the eggs into the form of frozen snow in an- other bowl; add one-half of this to your first mixture; mix this together with two ponies of maraschino and two ponies of creme de vanille, take a tablespoonful of this mixture in a fancy Tom- and-Jerry cup; add a small drink of either brandy, whiskey, rum, sherry wine or port wine; mix this well; fill the balance with boiling milk; put a little of the white of the eggs you have got left on the top; add a little ground cinnamon and your drink is ready. (To keep your mixture in the bowl from getting hard, put a small glass of ale on the top.) 219.

220. ip-op Sip. A goblet with a dash of creme de roses,

i dash of absinthe, l /s of sherry wine,

l /s of port wine,

of vino vermouth,

l /2>

a little fine ice. Mix this thoroughly, strain into a fancy glass,

and present.

221. a t)ie |)ari0ienne. Mix one part of Burgundy an<3 two parts of champagne in your glass. (This drink is one of the richest.) Also porter (Dublin Stout) may be mixed the same way with champagne with a most satisfactory result.

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