1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Fancy Gin Cocktail. [Use small bar glass.! a dashes of g um sy rup, 3 d ashes of bitters, Angostura . wine glass of g in, 1 cl ash of curacao, 1 piece of orange peel: Fill glass h alf fuJlof ice, mix, strain in to a fancy gla s, th e edge of whicb is rubbed with lemon, add a piece of lemon peol. Gin Stra ight . [Use whiskey glass.] H a nd tl10 glass, with a small piece or two of ice to the customer, wit h tho bottle of gin. Gin Toddy. LUse whiskey glass.] 1.i teaspoonful of fine sugar, ~ wine g1ass of wate r, 2 Jumps uf ice, 1 wine glass of g in and n1ix. Gin Sling. [Use small bar glass.) 1 lump of loaf sugar, enough water to di~~olve the s ugar, 2 pieces of ice, 1 wine glass of malt gin, stir, g rate nut1neg on top. Gin Punch . [Use large bar glass . l Y,, tablespoonfuls of sugar, a pony of seltzer to d i•solve tbe sugar, 1 tablespoonful of rasp berry syrup, fill with fine ice, juice of one-half lemon, 1 •lice of orange, 1 piece of pine-apple, 1 Y,, glass of g in , st.i r well, triin with fru its and servo witb straws. Gin Sour . [Use small bar gla s.J :1 teaspoon fuls of sugar, 1 squ irt of seltzer water, 4 dashes u( lemon juice, % glass of ice, 1 wine glass of gin. Mi x wol.l, strain into a sour glass, add a th in slice of lemon. Gin Smash. LUse large bar glass.] :!. teaspoonfuls of sugar, 1 tablespoonfnl of water, o s prigs of mint. pressed to extract tho essence, ).2 glass of ice, 1 wine glass of Imperial g in. Mix well. stra in into a sour i::las•. trim with !ices of orange and berries.

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