1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Gl asgow Punch . [U,;e la rge bur glas,;.J

l lf tables poonfuls of fine s ugar, 1 ~ wino gla:;s of ice water, Yo wine glass of J amaica rum. stir well. Rub the edge of a fizz glass with lemon, st.rain t ho liquid into the same, add a drop of lomon juice. Harry Jennings . Port and brandy, half a nd h a lf, teas poonful of s ugar, 1 egg, ,d1aved ice, s hake11 and f'trai11ed. Serve in g in fizz gla~s. nutmeg- 0 11 top. Harvar d Cocktail. J or 2 da:;hcf' Bake rs' or Angustora bitter,;, 2 dashes of orange curacao, Yo jigger of vermouth, Yo j igger sherr,I', add ice and strai11 in cocktail g-]a:;;:~, :;;quccze lemon rind. 2 l umps of s ugar, 2 dash es of lemon juice, enough hot water to d issolve the above. Mix well, acid 1 sli9e of lemon and a little nutmeg. Impe r ial Punch. !Use large bar glass.] 2 tea spoonful" o f sugar, 1 g ill of claret, 1 wine glass o f soda wate r, 1 shake of nut1neg-. 2 tea,;poonfuls of s ugar, I gill of cla ret, l wino glass of soda water, 1 sbake of nut1neg, 1 dash of inaraschino, f-'lice of cucumber. Fill with ice. mix well, serve with straws. Ital ia n White L e mona d e. [Use large bar glass.) ~ tea:-;poonfuJs of fine sugar, water to dis;:;olve, squirts of ra,;pberr.r syrup, 2 squirts of orange syrup, 1i squirtc of lemon juice. F ill glass% full of waved ice, 1 wino glass of . he rry, fill with water 1 stir well, trhn with fruit, serve with !;tFaws. 16 Imperi a l Punch. ruse la rge bar glass.] Hot Irish Punch . [Use hot water glass.)

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