1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Ol d Tom Gin C o c kta il. [Use largo bar glass.]

3 dashes 'Jf gum syrup, 2 dashes of bitters, 2 dashes of curacoa or absfnthe fill with shaved ice, 1 wine glafs of g in. Mix well, strain into a cockt ail glass, a piece of lemon peel on top. O rge a t L e m o na d e. [Use large bar glass.] 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 1 wine glass of orgcat syrup, j u ice of half a lemon, % glass of shaved ice. F ill wit h water, stir well, trim with fruit, serve with straws. l X teaspoonfuls of orgeatsyrup, j u ice of half a lemon, fill wit h shaved ice, l Yo wine glass of brandy. Stir well , dash with port wine, trim with fruit. O r a nge P un c h. The juice of 3 or 4 oranges, the peel of 1 or 2 oranges, ~i pound Jump sugar, 3~ pints boiling water. In fu se half an h our, st.rain, add Yo pint of porter, %: to 1 pint Pach rum and brandy (or either al one l Y,, to 2 pints) , and ยท add more warm water and sugar if desired weaker or sweeter. A liqueur glass of curacao, noyau or maraschino improves it. A good lemon punch may be made by substitut ing lemons instead of oranges. 2 tablespoonfuls of orchard syrnp, 1 pony of pine-apple syr up, water to d issolve. Fill the glass with fine ice. 1 wine glass of California brandy, mix well , d ash with port wine, trim with frui t , serve with straws. P eac h Bl o w F izz. [-Ose large fizz glass.] Make a plain fizz _(old Tom gin), add 3 or 4 raspberries mashed, Yo drink of cream and st ir with seltzer. 20 O rch a rd P un c h. [Use la rge bar glass.) O rgeat Pun ch . [Use large ale glass.)

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