1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Stone Wall. [Use largo bar glass.] 1 teaspoonful of sugar, Gsmall lumps of ice, wine glassĀ· of whiskey. 1 bot tle of plain soda , m ix, remove tho ice a nd serve quick . You ca n use Cognac brand y in place of whiskey and the sugar left out. Sh e r r y Win e Pu nc h . [Use large bar glass.] 1 tablespoonful of sugar. 2 dashes of lemou juice, 2 dashes of orange juice, fill tbe glass with floe ice. 3 wino glasses of. sherry. Mix well, t rim with fruit and serve wit h straws. Sta r C o ckta il. [Use whiskey glass) I lump of ice, 1 or 2 da3hos of Angustora bitters, lemon peel, Yo drink of vermou th, Yo d rink of a pple jack. Sherida n . Make appoliuaris lemoando wit h whiskey floated . S weet I 6 C o.c kta il . Orange bitters, g um, F rench vermouth, Russian k uemmol. Star C ockatil. 2 dashes Ang ustora bitters, g um, apple jack, vermouth. Silve r Fi zz . [Use la rge ba r glass.] 2 teaspoonfuls of suga r, '! dashes o f lemon or lime juice, white of 1 egg. F ill tho glass with fine ice, 1 wine glass of Old Tom gin. Mix well, stra in into a fizz gla s, flll with syphon vich y, mix and serve quick. S h e rry Eg g- N a gg. [Use la rge ba r glass.] 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar d issolved in water, 1 egg, ~ glass of fine ice, 2 wine glasses of sherry wine. Fill the glass with milk, mix well, grate nutmeg on top.

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