1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

ask ed for lby the d isca.rd, the !)layer, on a nnouncing t hi!.t t oo m any or not enoug h ca.rds a r e dealt h im, can decline taking them, and the dealer may correct the error. If, howev er , t he p layer accepts the cards f rom t he deal er , a nd look s a•t them , \\rhe~her they be more or less than t he r egul ar number 1h e shoul'd have, \Vhich is 11ve, .the player i s ruled out o.f the gam e. 14. If, in asking for cards in the d r aw, one card is turned or shown, the lrutest accepted r ule i s that this car d ca.nnot 'be ·talten. The deal er takes the exposed card, pu ts it at bhe bottom of l'he paclt, proceeds to g i ve a car d in order to t-he n ext ·player s, a nd \\' hen throu g-h , t h en gives a ca rd ·ro the p!ayer whose card has been t urned. If m or e uhan ·one card b·~ turned in t·he dra w, the rule is lhe same. (This ru1l e, thoug1h often disputed, should be a.ccevted.) THE ANTE. 15. The pla.yet· aft er the dea l e1· must a n te firs t, before the dea.l. H e puts up a ny number of chips, not excee:i– ing ha l f th e limit. To come in h e h as to double t h e an te, as the other pll;yer~ have to. '£he ante can nev er be more, w h en fir st l)U't up, :than h a.If t he limit. 16. When l h e car d.s a r e deal t, player s w ho com e in must doubl e the a n te. 17. 'l'he age com es in Ia.st, a nd m aims his ante good or not, at •his op:;ion. RAISES. 18. After t he Age, a n y pl ayer, in ·his turn, m ay r a ise. A n y numbe·r of r ai ses •in tu rn ar e in -order. 19. Af'ter lh e d raw, .an y player who ·is in, commencing wHh the one to .the "left of th e age, can r a ise. 20. The eldest ha nd, ·bh e age, com es in l ast. If the age declines m al( ing his b lind good, notwi'th sllandlng th is, th e fi r s t player a f ter him must bet first. 'l'he age never passe3. 21. H a bet be raised ·by .a player \V'h o is in his r egular turn, .t he neX't pl ayer must see th e bet or r etire. SHOWING HANDS. 22. A show CYf h a nds, pubting 1th em on th e t a'ble, face u p, is a ru1e n ever •to ·be departed from when th e call i s m ade. CALLING. 23. ·w·hen a pJ.1yer bets more tha n a n y one el se, w ithin the limlt, a nd no one calls or sees him, he wins. 41

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